#stoneage dinosaur /sound effects /handling stress Prehistoric man evolved to suit his environment. To escape life threatening danger, the ability to switch into physical 'overdrive' for short periods was essential. The senses sharpen, breathing deepens & heart rate soars. The {hormone} adrenalin is released into the blood stream & the muscles tense. In today's terms, this is what we know as {stress}. Short-term {stress} is good, but long-term effects can be damaging to both mental & physical health. Crossing a busy road requires the stress effect on your body to give you the maximum awareness & ability to cross quickly. This is perfectly natural. Problems occur when the stress effect is regularly introduced, say in a traffic jam. #man at wheel /sound effect There is little point becoming stressed, you can't make the traffic move faster by gripping the steering wheel tighter. This form of daily stress effect is damaging & should be controlled. $2 Do you suffer from {stress}? See if some of the following statements describe you: $1 feel guilty when relaxing or resting lying awake worrying under continuous pressure of time impatient, irritable, frustrated eating meals in a hurry a lot on your mind, difficulty concentrating increased smoking or drinking recent over-eating, or loss of appetite difficulty making decisions $2 $1 The physical signs of stress include a 'butterfly stomach,' dry mouth, sweaty palms & thumping heart. #notepad stress 1st, before you can fight {stress}, you must learn to recognize it. Do this by making a list of the circumstances that cause you stress. In future, when faced with stressful situations, recognize the stress effect & consciously try to relax. To reduce stress, it is important to control {anxiety} (see 'Controlling Anxiety' section). Try to relax & accept problems philosophically. Regular exercise is a proven method to reduce stress. If you don't have time, make the time!! Very few things in life are !i! very !n! urgent, you're probably !i! in the habit !n! of rushing. Use lists to organize your day better & tackle each problem 1 at a time. /Self-examination